
Release date: 31.5.2023

How to install?


helm repo add memphis https://k8s.memphis.dev/charts/ --force-update && 
helm install --set memphis.image="memphisos/memphis:stable" memphis memphis/memphis --create-namespace --namespace memphis --wait

More information can be found in the Memphis k8s deployment documentation.

Docker compose (Syntax for v2)

curl -s https://memphisdev.github.io/memphis-docker/docker-compose.yml -o docker-compose.yml && docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -p memphis up

More information can be found in the Memphis Docker deployment documentation.

:sparkles: Added features

  • Tiered storage improvements, including AWS SDK V2, to support broader compatible object storage such as MinIO, Cloud storage, DigitalOcean spaces, and more. Thanks, @Bastiaan Schaap, for the fantastic contribution.

  • Integration keys encryption.

  • Python SDK users can now produce a dict object to a station with an enforced protobuf schema.

  • Go SDK - prefetch has been added. Prefetching optimization to improve throughput. Before returning a set of records to the user in consume(), the consumer will initiate the next round of fetches in order to pipeline the fetching overhead and message processing. More here. Thanks, @Dev Pahuja, for the contribution!

  • Performance improvements.

  • GUI loading improvements.

  • Client libs updates: Node.js SDK (1.0.5) Go SDK (1.0.2) Python SDK (1.0.2) .NET SDK(0.1.1)

:bug: Fixed bugs

  • Atomicity issues of unacked messages while being routed to the DLS (dead-letter) were lost in some edge cases - fixed

  • msgID structure was missing a validation - fixed

  • GUI shows a corrupted message payload when the encoding is different from utf8 - fixed

  • When storage capacity reaches 100%, Memphis GUI becomes unresponsive till cleaned up by at least 10%.

  • DLS messages are not cleaned up on station removal.

  • Slower connection establishment with the broker when connecting through localhost.

  • Critical bug: Cluster crash when rebooting a broker.

Last updated


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