Deploy on DigitalOcean
DigitalOcean simplifies cloud computing so builders can spend more time creating software that changes the world.
DigitalOcean offers easy-to-use and configure cloud services like servers, kubernetes, object storage, serverless functions, a marketplace of applications, and much more. chose DigitalOcean Kubernetes Marketplace to offer both DO and Memphis users a 1-click installation of memphis cluster in a production kubernetes environment.
DigitalOcean account
Step 1: Create DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster
Nodes are the servers that provide the Kubernetes compute and storage resources
Step 2: Connect to the Kubernetes cluster
Follow the below instructions to communicate with the newly created cluster
Step 3: Install Memphis
We need to create two different load balancers, one for data (the broker itself) and one for the UI.
Step 4: Expose Memphis for data using a load balancer
Run the following YAML
The above will create a digitalocean load balancer with a public ip.
Step 5: Expose Memphis UI using a load balancer
Run the following YAML
Step 6: Connect your 1st app
To get the public IPs of the load balancers we created before, run
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