3 - Upgrade

How to upgrade Memphis on K8S

Discover step-by-step instructions and best practices for safely and efficiently updating your Memphis installation to the latest version.

Step 1: Deploy the new Memphis version

Step 2: Create a second connection for the consumers

Establish an additional connection and consumer entities within each existing consumer, enabling them to consume messages from both the existing Memphis and the newly created version.

Step 3: Shift producers to the newer version

Reestablish the connections for the producers to send messages to the newly created Memphis.

Step 4: Disconnect old consumers' connections

After ensuring that all the existing messages on the older Memphis server have been processed, it is secure to disconnect the connections to the older Memphis server and finalize the migration.

1:1 replacement for >= v1.0.0

Step 0: Obtain user-supplied values.

helm get values memphis --namespace memphis

Step 1: Obtain the credentials of your current deployment.

export CT=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.CONNECTION_TOKEN}" | base64 -d)
export ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.ROOT_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d)
export PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-metadata -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)
export REPMGR_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-metadata -o jsonpath="{.data.repmgr-password}" | base64 -d)
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-metadata-coordinator -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 -d)
export ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY}" | base64 -d)

Step 2: Uninstall existing helm installation

helm uninstall memphis --namespace memphis

Data will not be lost! PVCs are not removed and will be re-attached to the new installation

Step 3: Upgrade Memphis helm repo

helm repo update

Step 4: Reinstall Memphis


Production-grade Memphis with a minimum of three memphis brokers configured in cluster-mode. Add user-supplied values if necessary.

helm repo add memphis https://k8s.memphis.dev/charts/ --force-update && 
helm install memphis --set global.cluster.enabled="true",metadata.postgresql.password=$PASSWORD,metadata.postgresql.repmgrPassword=$REPMGR_PASSWORD,metadata.pgpool.adminPassword=$ADMIN_PASSWORD,memphis.creds.connectionToken=$CT,memphis.creds.rootPwd=$ROOT_PASSWORD,memphis.creds.encryptionSecretKey=$ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY  memphis/memphis --create-namespace --namespace memphis --wait

Standalone installation of Memphis with a single broker. Add user-supplied values if necessary.

helm repo add memphis https://k8s.memphis.dev/charts/ --force-update && 
helm install memphis --set metadata.postgresql.password=$PASSWORD,metadata.postgresql.repmgrPassword=$REPMGR_PASSWORD,metadata.pgpool.adminPassword=$ADMIN_PASSWORD,memphis.creds.connectionToken=$CT,memphis.creds.rootPwd=$ROOT_PASSWORD,memphis.creds.encryptionSecretKey=$ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY  memphis/memphis --create-namespace --namespace memphis --wait

Upgrade Memphis cluster with "helm upgrade" using a manual rolling upgrade

Step 0: Obtain user-supplied values.

helm get values memphis --namespace memphis

Step 1: Obtain the credentials of your current deployment

export CT=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.CONNECTION_TOKEN}" | base64 -d)
export ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.ROOT_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d)
export PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-metadata -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)
export REPMGR_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-metadata -o jsonpath="{.data.repmgr-password}" | base64 -d)
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-metadata-coordinator -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 -d)
export ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY}" | base64 -d)

Step 2: Delete the statefulset with cascade=orphan option

kubectl delete statefulset memphis --cascade=orphan -n memphis

Step 3: Run helm upgrade with all the values you need + updateStrategy=OnDelete

helm repo add memphis https://k8s.memphis.dev/charts/ --force-update &&helm upgrade --install memphis --set metadata.postgresql.password=$PASSWORD,metadata.postgresql.repmgrPassword=$REPMGR_PASSWORD,metadata.pgpool.adminPassword=$ADMIN_PASSWORD,memphis.creds.connectionToken=$CT,memphis.creds.rootPwd=$ROOT_PASSWORD,memphis.creds.encryptionSecretKey=$ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY memphis/memphis --create-namespace --namespace memphis --wait

Step 4: Upgrade brokers. Delete one by one and validate each one to get back to the online state.

1:1 replacement for versions < v1.0.0

Step 0: Obtain user-supplied values.

helm get values memphis --namespace memphis

Step 1: Obtain the credentials of your current deployment.

export CT=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.CONNECTION_TOKEN}" | base64 -d)
export ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "memphis" memphis-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.ROOT_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d)

Step 2: Uninstall existing helm installation

helm uninstall memphis -n memphis

Data will not be lost! PVCs are not removed and will be re-attached to the new installation

Step 3: Upgrade Memphis helm repo

helm repo update

Step 4: Reinstall Memphis


Production-grade Memphis with a minimum of three memphis brokers configured in cluster-mode. Add user-supplied values if necessary.

helm repo add memphis https://k8s.memphis.dev/charts/ --force-update && 
helm install memphis --set global.cluster.enabled="true",connectionToken=$CT,rootPwd=$ROOT_PASSWORD memphis/memphis --create-namespace --namespace memphis --wait

Standalone installation of Memphis with a single broker. Add user-supplied values if necessary.

helm repo add memphis https://k8s.memphis.dev/charts/ --force-update && 
helm install memphis --set connectionToken=$CT,rootPwd=$ROOT_PASSWORD memphis/memphis --create-namespace --namespace memphis --wait

Last updated


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