Self-hosted to Cloud Guide

Transitioning from a self-hosted setup to the cloud: A step-by-step guide.

This manual will guide you through the process of migrating your self-hosted deployment to Cloud, a serverless service designed to simplify and enhance the scalability and reliability of your deployment, as well as your capabilities.

High-level plan

  1. Introduction

    • Why Migrate to Cloud?

    • Prerequisites

  2. Migration Steps

    • Step 1: Assess Your Open-Source Deployment Requirements

    • Step 2: Configure your Cloud Accordingly

    • Step 3: Configure your Clients

    • Step 4: Migrate Data and Clients

1. Introduction

Why Migrate to Cloud? Cloud offers several advantages over self-hosted deployments. These benefits include:

  • Seamless Scalability: Experience limitless growth potential with Cloud. Easily scale to meet your evolving needs without the hassle of managing hardware.

  • Enhanced Performance: Enjoy lightning-fast response times and superior performance with our optimized cloud infrastructure.

  • Automatic Updates: Stay at the forefront of with automatic updates and enhancements. Our cloud version ensures you're always running the latest and greatest version of Memphis.

  • Effortless Maintenance: Leave server maintenance and monitoring to us. Focus on what matters most, while we handle the backend tasks, ensuring your nervous system is always up and running.

  • Data Security: Protect your valuable data with our top-notch cloud security measures. Benefit from data encryption, regular backups, and industry-standard security protocols.

  • Global Accessibility: Access your data from anywhere in the world. cloud ensures that your data is accessible whenever and wherever your apps need it.


Before you start the migration process, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Access to your existing self-hosted deployment

  2. Cloud account (Sign up if you haven't already)

  3. Make sure to have the same users (both client and management) on both the self-hosted deployment and Cloud

2. Migration Steps

Step 1: Assess Your Open-Source Deployment Requirements

In essence, there are no features exclusive to the self-hosted version that are absent in the cloud; however, there are cloud-specific features that are not available in the self-hosted, meaning you will not have any missing capabilities. That being said, the cloud offers various plans, ranging from free to enterprise, each unlocking different features and scalability options. Please make sure to subscribe to the plan that fits your needs.

A full plans and features comparison can be found on the pricing page.

Step 2: Configure your Cloud Accordingly

Please make sure the following are configured:

  • Users

  • Storage tiering (if needed)

  • Integrations (if needed)

  • Stations: automatically generated when producers or consumers are created, following their default configurations. If specific values other than the defaults are required, they must be explicitly coded or established through Cloud Console.

Step 3: Configure your Clients

When transitioning a self-hosted client to Cloud, no code modifications are required. Instead, you'll need to include an extra connection parameter known as the 'account id'

Self-hosted client's connection block -

            host: MEMPHIS_HOST,
            username: MEMPHIS_USERNAME,
            password: MEMPHIS_PASSWORD,

Cloud client's connection block -

            host: MEMPHIS_HOST,
            username: MEMPHIS_USERNAME,
            password: MEMPHIS_PASSWORD,
            accountId: 123456789

Clients can be adjusted prior to the migration process and still function with the additional parameter in the self-hosted deployment, as this parameter will be seamlessly ignored.

Step 4: Migrate Data and Clients

Last updated


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